
My name is Zhuoer Lyu. I am currently a PhD student from SEFCOM at Arizona State University, mainly advised by Dr. Tiffany Bao. I also work with Dr. Adam Doupé, Dr. Fish Wang, and Dr. Yan Shoshitaishvili.

My research interests are focused on data-driven security, particularly the integration of program analysis with machine learning techniques to solve security problems while maintaining generalizability and scalability.

Moreover, I am also interested in exploring the development of trustworthy AI and adversarial machine learning, which have become increasingly significant in our current era of AI advancement.


Ph.D. in Computer Science, Arizona State University, 2025 (expected)

M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University, 2020

B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University, 2018


  • BEYOND PHISH: Toward Detecting Fraudulent e-Commerce Websites at Scale
    Marzieh Bitaab, Haehyun Cho, Adam Oest, Zhuoer Lyu, Wei Wang, Jorij Abraham, Ruoyu Wang, Tiffany Bao, Yan Shoshitaishvili, Adam Doupé, Gail-Joon Ahn
    Oakland 2023 pdf

  • Expected Exploitability: Predicting the Development of Functional Vulnerability Exploits Octavian Suciu, Connor Nelson, Zhuoer Lyu, Tiffany Bao, Tudor Dumitraş
    USENIX Security 2022 pdf software


  • Fall 2022, Teaching Assistant, CSE 365 Introduction to Information Assurance
  • Fall 2020, Teaching Assistant, CSE 545 Software Security course